by Remedinet



Remedi Kiosk is a healthcare service app available for Android and other smartphones. Remedi Kiosk App uses phone’s Internet connection (4G/3G/2G/EDGE or Wi-Fi, as available) to manage Preauth and Claims Dashboard/MIS Search online. Remedi Kiosk App provides a patient-centred healthcare service which meets and exceeds patients expectations. Remedi-Kiosk is an aid in searching patient transaction status without standing in Que.1. NO ADDITIONAL FEES: Remedi Kiosk App uses your phone’s Internet connection (4G/3G/2G/EDGE or Wi-Fi, as available) to Search and check the status of the preauth/Claims transaction.2. ALWAYS LOGGED IN: With Remedi Kiosk App, you’re always logged in so you don’t have to bother about log out until and unless you log out from application.3. DASHBOARD: Remedi Kiosk App provides dashboard related to Preauth and Claims Transaction.4. SIMPLE STATUS NOMENCLATURE: Preauth and Claims dashboard is well managed with General and standardized simplified nomenclature statuses which are used by majority of providers.5. SIMPLIFIED SEARCH RESULTSimplified search provided as per user convenience.6. STRUCTURED AND ORGANIZED INFORMATIONResults or data is displayed in more structured and organized way in order to check the details in ease.